Let’s talk! We’d love to get your services started whenever you’re ready. The best way to complete your specific organizer: Strategy, Business, or Personal. Depending on where we are in the season will determine your first steps. Let us know if you didn’t receive one and we’ll get the ball rolling from there.

We love the chat feature in your personal portal. We are always connected there during business hours. If you have an urgent matter, please send us an email at

A great way to start is to turn on the notifications button in your portal. Your notifications will come in an email any time the Wildalea team updates something in your portal. If you’re not receiving the emails, be sure to check your spam/junk folder. And save our email address to your contacts.

Who doesn’t love to hear that they’ve done great job? Here are some ways that you can support us

  • 1. Like, follow, and share on social media. You can find us on LinkedIn and Facebook.
  • 2. Give us a shout out whenever you have the opportunity online or in person.
  • 3. Know someone who could use our services, give them our information. We love referrals!

The easy answer is generally because we need something from you. Reminders are sent from the system to let you know that we're missing something to complete the process. The reminders are there as a friendly helper to our firm to complete the process. Generally the reminders are for:

  • Activating your account
  • Complete your organizer
  • Missing documents
  • Answering questions
  • Document approval
  • Paying your invoice

If you have completed these tasks and are still getting reminders, let us know and we'll double check that every is complete on both our ends.


Team Wildalea is all hands-on deck. We work closely together to make sure we’re all on the same page.

For specific Tax Startegy or Tax Preparation questions, Cheri is our expert. Ashley will be more than happy to help with compliance, scheduling, and workflow questions. Finally, Edward is the one to see about documents or portal help. If you’re not sure what to ask, send us a message through your portal and we’ll be sure to direct and address it properly.

Strategy meetings are scheduled using a link provided by our admin team. When Strategy season comes around, we’ll send you the link. If you don’t see a time available that works within your schedule, let us know. We’ll work with you to get you on the schedule as soon as we can.

There’s a link on the homepage in your portal that will allow you to schedule a quick chat with our team.

Great question. We don’t have any strict guidelines that we follow to show how well we’ll mesh with you, but we do have certain criteria that makes it easy to determine how far we can take our professional relationship.

  • 1. Do you consider yourself a high net-worth individual?
  • 2. Do you have rental properties, LLCs, a partnership, or an S Corporation? 
  • 3. Do you have dependents, or trusts? 
  • 4. Are you a new business owner navigating the ins and outs of business taxes?
  • 5. Would you like to make sure you stay in compliance with federal and state tax rules and regulations?

  • If you can answer, yes to most, if not all of these questions, then we’d love to hear from you and explore next steps.


We are ready whenever you are! The tax return process starts once we confirm that you’ve uploaded everything we need to accurately process your return. Your way of confirming to us that you have uploaded everything is to submit your organizer. We work on a first come, first serve basis so it’s best to get us your documents and your organizer as soon as you have them. Send us a message if you have any questions about what’s needed.

Anything that you claim as an expense to the business or as a deduction on your tax return is eligible to be asked about during an audit. Although the chances of audit are not high, you will have much more confidence in the event of an audit if you are prepared. Keep receipts for everything. Using a credit card is okay, but it is not enough in some cases.

Where services are rendered, an invoice describing them may be required. Special attention should be given to any item that is a material amount of your expense for the year or which has special use, like sports tickets or business development expenditures. In today’s electronic age, there is really no reason to get rid of receipts. That said, three years after the filing of the return or seven total years should cover almost any situation.

Although there is almost always an item or two missing, there are a couple of great ways to make sure that we have what we need to get the taxes done.

1. Use your organizer. Check the box next to each thing that pertains to you. There should be a document to go with each checkbox.

2. Look at the list that we send out. If this is your second year with us, you’ll have received a list of the general items we are looking for.

3. Think about unusual items. Did anything out of the ordinary happen this year? Is there anything new? If so, make sure we know.

We work on taxes in the order in which they are received. If you’ve let us know that you believe you are done, we will put you in queue to begin. Once we do a first pass, we will let you know what we are missing. The sooner you can get us these items, the better. Once we really have everything, taxes are typically done within ten days, often much sooner.

1. Businesses: March 15th
i. Extension: September 15th

2. Personals: April 15th
i. Extension: October 15th

* If the due date falls on a Saturday, Sunday, or legal holiday, the due date is delayed until the next business day.

Strategy: It’s all about planning for the preparation. We can help you determine the best approach for the upcoming tax filing year to pay the federal and state taxing authorities exactly what is owed - no more, no less. Strategy sessions happen at least once a year, but you’ll get the option to have multiple meetings before the year is over.
Preparation: Is just that. We’re preparing your return to be filed and accepted by the IRS and state agencies. We will collect all your prior year documents, enter it into the return, and then send it to the proper agencies on your behalf.

Accidents happen. It can be concerning when you’re not sure what to do next. The best option is to reach out to the preparer of the return and ask them to look at it again. If you came across a document that was missed or if the numbers aren’t adding up, get a review with your preparer to see if there’s something that can be fixed. If you’re not already a Wildalea client, we’d be happy to review your return for an hourly fee and let you know if any changes need to be made.

There are very few things that we are required to charge a one time or hourly fee for. See below for the list of items that are not included:

  • Anything not included on current Engagement Letter – When you receive your Engagement Letter, you’ll have a section call Appendix A that lists the items that are included in our services to you. If you bring us something that’s not listed on the Appendix A, we will review and determine a) if this is something we can handle, and b) how much we need to charge for this additional service.
  • Reasonable Compensation Report – We use this to determine an appropriate salary for your own business.
  • Amendments –A return that needs to be corrected due to an error outside of our control.
  • Pass-through billing – Sometimes we use vendors to complete our services that are better equipped to handle your needs. Those vendors usually have their own set prices, and we cannot offer any discounted pricing. This usually includes payroll merchants, bookkeepers, charitable donation vendors, etc.
  • Full IRS and/or State audits – If you find yourself in the unfortunate instance of being audited by federal or state agencies, we charge an hourly fee to get this resolved and get you back in compliance.
  • Compliance from prior CPA – When federal or state agencies find errors on your return and issue you a compliance letter, it should be handled by the CPA that completed the return. If we are not that CPA, we charge an hourly fee, to complete the compliance work.